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Redux Toolkit


Redux Toolkit is the official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset designed for efficient Redux development. It aims to simplify the Redux setup process, mitigate the complexity of configuring a Redux store, and reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed for effective state management. By providing a range of APIs such as `configureStore()`, `createSlice()`, and `createAsyncThunk()`, Redux Toolkit abstracts away the tedious aspects of Redux while still allowing for powerful and flexible state management. Additionally, it includes the RTK Query feature, which is built for data fetching and caching, providing a streamlined way to manage API interactions.Furthermore, Redux Toolkit comes with built-in support for using middleware, enabling Redux DevTools, and offers features for efficient handling of the application's state, enhancing the overall developer experience and application performance.


  • Simplified Redux store configuration
  • Automatic combination of slice reducers
  • Built-in middleware support
  • Efficient data fetching and caching with RTK Query
  • Flexible, reusable reducer logic with createSlice()
  • Time-travel debugging capabilities with Redux DevTools
  • Supports asynchronous actions with createAsyncThunk()
  • Reusable selectors with createSelector()


GitHub Stars10.8K

NPM Downloads2.5M/week


Latest Version2.5.1

Created at3/3/2018

Updated at2/7/2025

LicenseMIT License

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